We are a defense firm. At Stinnett Law Group, we defend people and companies who are named as defendants in civil lawsuits or arbitration proceedings, or who have been placed on notice of a claim or threatened with litigation. Our principal areas of defense practice include medical malpractice, legal malpractice, professional liability, and business tort claims.
We are accustomed to defending cases involving complex business transactions, cutting-edge medical issues, devastating injuries, and damage claims north of seven figures. We defend health care providers and professionals against claims of violation of professional standards of care. We also defend the little guys — small business owners, employees, and individuals whose conduct has been called into question by someone filing a complaint at the courthouse.
In medical litigation, our attorneys have defended some of the most prominent physicians and highly-ranked hospitals in the country. In business litigation, our experience includes representation of both major corporations and small family-owned shops. Claims we defend may involve damage exposure of several thousands or tens of millions.
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