Stinnett Law Group attorneys have achieved success in the courtroom in a broad array of medical, business, and liability defense cases, often involving claims for seven and eight-figure damages. Place your cursor over the type of case listed below to see a sampling of representative past trials and cases handled by our attorneys. Every case necessarily depends on its own facts and legal issues. Past outcomes are not a predictor or guarantee of future results.
Medical Specialty:
Anesthesiology |
Surgical Specialty: Cardiac Surgery Health Care Institutions: Health Care Organizations |
Type of Case: Aortic Dissection |
Construction |
Oil & Gas |
Legal Malpractice |
Professional Liability |
All cases listed tried or handled by Mark Stinnett as lead trial counsel unless otherwise stated. Not a complete listing of our attorneys’ or firm’s trial wins.
Anesthesiology: Defense verdict for anesthesiologist in $4.5 million lawsuit alleging permanent paralysis caused by
hypotensive spinal cord infarction during surgery.
Anesthesiology: Defense verdict for anesthesiologist in $1 million suit by patient who allegedly sustained permanent brachial plexus injury from positioning for spine surgery.
Cardiology: Defense verdict for cardiologist in $1 million wrongful death suit arising from fatal myocardial infarction following cardiac stress test.
Cardiology: Defense verdict for cardiologist in $500,000+ suit alleging failure to diagnose and treat cardiac condition which resulted in lethal arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death.
Dentistry: Defense verdict for pediatric dentist in $13 million suit alleging failure to recognize malignant hypertension following surgery on previously brain-damaged patient, resulting in persistent vegetative state (retained specifically for trial as lead trial counsel).
Emergency Medicine Defense verdict for emergency physician following 3-week trial of $3 million suit alleging permanent disability from undiagnosed subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Emergency Medicine: Defense verdict for national emergency practice management company and statewide emergency physician group in 4-week trial of $16 million suit by permanently disabled post-partum hemorrhagic stroke victim.
Emergency Medicine: Defense verdict for emergency medicine physician in $2 million suit arising from MRSA infection of lower leg with associated sepsis following insect bite.
Family Practice: Defense verdict for family practitioner in $2.3 million suit alleging failure to timely diagnose breast cancer.
Family Practice: Defense verdict for family practitioner in $1 million wrongful death suit arising from fatal myocardial infarction following cardiac stress test.
General Practice: Defense verdict for general practitioner in $1 million+ wrongful death suit alleging improper ER treatment of hypovolemic shock due to bull-riding injury.
Gynecology: Defense verdict for gynecologist in $1.75 million suit alleging misdiagnosis of ectopic pregnancy resulting in loss of only remaining ovary and permanent sterility.
Gynecology: Defense of gynecologist on $2 million claim for failure to diagnose breast cancer. Dismissal obtained for client on third day of trial.
Internal Medicine: Defense verdict for internist in $3 million wrongful death suit arising from undiagnosed aortic dissection in patient with chest pain and Marfan’s Syndrome.
Internal Medicine: Defense verdict for internist in $3 million suit for death of nursing home resident following pressure sore infection, sepsis and amputation of leg (associated in case specifically for trial as lead trial counsel).
Pathology: Defense verdict for pathologist in trial of $400,000 claim alleging failure to diagnose cervical cancer on Pap smear leading to delayed treatment and complications.
Pediatrics: Defense verdict for pediatrician following 3-week trial of $10 million suit for death of 4-year-old overdosed with chloral hydrate by another provider while undergoing allegedly unnecessary radiology studies to evaluate hematuria.
Pediatrics: Defense verdict for pediatrician on $500,000 claim for alleged failure to diagnose developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in newborn infant.
Pulmonology: Defense verdict for pulmonologist in $4 million suit alleging improper treatment of varicella pneumonia in pregnancy resulting in preterm delivery and deaths of mother and fetus (associated in case specifically for trial as lead trial counsel).
Radiology: Defense verdict for radiologist after 3-week trial of $15 million lawsuit alleging failure to diagnose retroverted uterus on prenatal ultrasound causing delayed treatment and birth of infant with permanent brain damage and cerebral palsy.
Radiology: Defense verdict for radiologist in $1 million lawsuit claiming failure to diagnose poor reduction of hip fracture on post-op x-ray with resultant permanent leg shortening.
Cardiac Surgery: Defense verdict for two cardiothoracic surgeons after 3-week trial of $10 million wrongful death suit arising from cardiac collapse after bypass surgery due to alleged improper management of heparin and protamine.
Cardiac Surgery: Defense verdict for cardiothoracic surgeon on $4.5 million claim alleging permanent injury to heart following failed mitral valve repair in 21-year-old patient with rheumatic heart disease.
Cardiac Surgery: Defense verdict for cardiothoracic surgeon on $1 million+ wrongful death claim alleging improper ER treatment of ruptured aortic aneurysm.
General Surgery: Defense verdict for general surgeon after 3-week trial of $20 million lawsuit for esophageal perforation and loss of esophagus after removal of gastric tumor.
General Surgery: Defense verdict for general surgeon on $1.4 million claim for injury to common bile duct during laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
General Surgery: Defense verdict for general surgeon on $3 million claim for retained sponge in abdomen following anterior approach for 360º lumbar spinal fusion.
Neurosurgery: Defense verdict for pediatric neurosurgeon in 4-week trial of $18 million suit for permanent blindness and brain damage from blocked ventriculoperitoneal shunt in 4-year-old with spina bifida (associated in case specifically for trial as lead trial counsel).
Obstetrics: Defense verdict for obstetrician and resident in $1.38 million lawsuit for birth injury due to alleged mismanagement of shoulder dystocia resulting in Erb’s Palsy.
Obstetrics: Defense verdict for obstetrician in $1 million lawsuit for birth injury due to alleged mismanagement of shoulder dystocia resulting in permanent Erb’s Palsy.
Obstetrics: Lead counsel and author of the brief for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists as amicus curiae in the Supreme Court of Michigan in a successful challenge to the admissibility of the junk science theory of “head pounding” in birth injury cases. Craig v. Oakwood Hospital, 471 Mich. 67, 684 N.W.2d 296 (2004).
Spine Surgery: Defense verdict for neurosurgeon in $1.5 million lawsuit alleging permanent disability from failed anterior cervical discectomy and fusion.
Spine Surgery: Defense verdict for orthopedic spine surgeon in $4.6 million suit alleging intraoperative spinal cord injury resulting in permanent loss of use of left leg.
Orthopedic Surgery: Defense verdict for orthopedic surgeon in $1.1 million suit claiming negligent surgery and follow-up care for knee replacement in patient claiming allergy to nickel implant.
Thoracic Surgery: Defense verdict for thoracic surgeon in $1.5 million suit for perforated esophagus following thoracoscopic esophageal myotomy to correct achalasia.
Thoracic Surgery: Defense verdict for thoracic surgeon on $1 million claim for permanent vocal cord paralysis from recurrent laryngeal nerve injury during lung biopsy.
Vascular Surgery: Defense verdict for cardiovascular surgeon on $1 million+ claim for temporary colostomy for colon injury during emergency surgery for perforated iliac artery.
Vascular Surgery: Defense verdict for cardiovascular surgeon in $7.5 million wrongful death suit involving fatal hemorrhage following repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Practice Management Organization: Defense verdict for national emergency practice management company and statewide emergency physician group in 4-week trial of $16 million suit by permanently disabled post-partum hemorrhagic stroke victim.
Professional Organization: Lead counsel and author of the brief for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists as amicus curiae in the Supreme Court of Michigan in a successful challenge to the admissibility of junk science in birth injury cases. Craig v. Oakwood Hospital, 471 Mich. 67, 684 N.W.2d 296 (2004).
Hospital Liability: Defense verdict for hospital after 3-week trial of $28 million wrongful death suit alleging improper discharge planning and failure to inform patient of Hodgkins Disease found on chest x-ray (retained in case as lead trial counsel one week before trial).
Hospital Liability: Defense verdict for hospital and resident in $1.38 million lawsuit for birth injury due to alleged mismanagement of shoulder dystocia resulting in Erb’s Palsy.
Aortic Dissection: Defense verdict for internist in $3 million wrongful death suit arising from undiagnosed aortic dissection in patient with Marfan’s Syndrome.
Aortic Dissection: Defense verdict for cardiothoracic surgeon on $1 million+ wrongful death claim alleging improper ER treatment of ruptured aortic aneurysm.
Birth Injury: Defense verdict for radiologist after 3-week trial of $15 million lawsuit alleging failure to diagnose retroverted uterus on prenatal ultrasound causing delayed treatment and birth of infant with permanent brain damage and cerebral palsy.
Birth Injury: Defense verdict for obstetrician and resident in $1.38 million lawsuit for birth injury due to alleged mismanagement of shoulder dystocia resulting in Erb’s Palsy.
Brain Damage: Defense verdict for pediatric dentist in $13 million suit alleging failure to recognize malignant hypertension following surgery on previously brain-damaged patient, resulting in persistent vegetative state (retained specifically for trial as lead trial counsel).
Brain Damage: Defense verdict for pediatric neurosurgeon in 4-week trial of $18 million suit for permanent blindness and brain damage from blocked ventriculoperitoneal shunt in 4-year-old with spina bifida (associated in case specifically for trial as lead trial counsel).
Cancer: Defense verdict for hospital after 3-week trial of $28 million wrongful death suit alleging improper discharge planning and failure to inform patient of Hodgkins Disease found on chest x-ray (retained in case as lead trial counsel one week before trial).
Cancer: Defense verdict for family practitioner in $2.3 million suit alleging failure to timely diagnose breast cancer.
Esophagus Injury: Defense verdict for thoracic surgeon in $1.5 million suit for perforated esophagus following thoracoscopic esophageal myotomy to correct achalasia.
Esophagus Injury: Defense verdict for general surgeon after 3-week trial of $20 million lawsuit for esophageal perforation and loss of esophagus after removal of gastric tumor.
Heart Attack: Defense verdict for cardiologist and family practitioner in $1 million wrongful death suit arising from fatal myocardial infarction following cardiac stress test.
Heart Injury: Defense verdict for cardiothoracic surgeon on $4.5 million claim alleging permanent injury to heart following failed mitral valve repair in 21-year-old patient with rheumatic heart disease.
Heart Injury: Defense verdict for two cardiothoracic surgeons after 3-week trial of $10 million wrongful death suit arising from cardiac collapse after bypass surgery due to alleged improper management of heparin and protamine.
Hemorrhage/Shock: Defense verdict for general practitioner in $1 million+ wrongful death suit alleging improper ER treatment of hypovolemic shock due to bull-riding injury.
Hemorrhage/Shock: Defense verdict for cardiovascular surgeon in $7.5 million wrongful death suit involving fatal hemorrhage following repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Infection/Sepsis: Defense verdict for internist in $3 million suit for death of nursing home resident following pressure sore infection, sepsis and amputation of leg (associated in case specifically for trial as lead trial counsel).
Infection/Sepsis: Defense verdict for emergency medicine physician in $2 million suit arising from MRSA infection of lower leg with associated sepsis following insect bite.
Nerve Injury: Defense verdict for thoracic surgeon on $1 million claim for permanent vocal cord paralysis from recurrent laryngeal nerve injury during lung biopsy.
Nerve Injury: Defense verdict for anesthesiologist in $1 million suit by patient who allegedly sustained permanent brachial plexus injury from positioning for spine surgery.
Spinal Cord Injury: Defense verdict for anesthesiologist in $4.5 million lawsuit alleging permanent paralysis caused by
hypotensive spinal cord infarction during surgery.
Spinal Cord Injury: Defense verdict for orthopedic spine surgeon in $4.6 million suit alleging intraoperative spinal cord injury resulting in permanent loss of use of left leg.
Stroke: Defense verdict for national emergency practice management company and statewide emergency physician group in 4-week trial of $16 million suit by permanently disabled post-partum hemorrhagic stroke victim.
Stroke: Defense verdict for emergency physician following 3-week trial of $3 million suit alleging permanent disability resulting from undiagnosed subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Construction: Defense verdict for roofing subcontractor in suit by general contractor alleging breach of contract and negligence resulting in delays and overruns.
Insurance: Defense verdict for insurance agent and agency following 5-week trial of $4 million suit for alleged fraud, tortious interference and breach of duties to life insurer in conversion of group life policyholders to another insurer.
Oil & Gas: Co-counsel for Plaintiff lessee and royalty owners in trial resulting in $4.2 million verdict for clients against unit operator for improper claim of continuing title and failure to drill offset wells. Reversed on appeal in case of first impression.
Trust: Co-counsel for trustee of $35 million trust estate in suit alleging breach of fiduciary duty and mismanagement of estate. Dismissal of client obtained after one week of expected 6-week trial.
Product Liability: Defense verdict for North Carolina furniture manufacturer and local retailer in lawsuit claiming permanent back injury from sudden collapse of office chair due to alleged defective design or manufacturing.
Product Liability: Served as statewide defense counsel for national furnace and water heater manufacturer in product liability litigation involving fire, electrocution and asphyxiation injuries. Served as statewide defense counsel for product claims against manufacturer of pedicle screws used in spine surgery.
Professional Liability: Defense verdict for insurance agent and agency following 5-week trial of $4 million suit for alleged fraud, tortious interference and breach of duties to life insurer in conversion of group life policyholders to another insurer.
Professional Liability: Defense verdict for licensed addiction counselor in trial of $1 million suit by referred employee alleging libel, tortious interference with contract, breach of fiduciary duty and negligence in substance abuse evaluation.
Property/Subrogation: Representation of insurer in subrogation suit against multiple contractors to recover losses from extensive flooding of sewage treatment plant due to failure of valve and mechanical pipe coupling.
Property/Subrogation: Representation of insurer in subrogation suit against multiple contractors to recover value of oil destroyed in massive fire at tank storage facility along Houston Ship Channel.
Legal Malpractice: Defense verdict for attorney in trial of $1 million suit alleging malpractice and breach of fiduciary duty in connection with sales of his client's real estate and management of personal affairs under power of attorney.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt, from
“Citizenship in a Republic,”
Speech at the Sorbonne,
Paris, France, April 23,1910
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