Our attorneys are perhaps best known for their many years of experience in defending the people and institutions providing care for others.
Medical Malpractice Defense
Stinnett Law Group represents physicians, dentists, nurses, hospitals, and licensed health care providers of all types in medical malpractice litigation throughout Colorado, New Mexico and Texas, and when called on, in other states as well. With decades of medical defense experience, our lawyers have defended physicians in almost every recognized medical and surgical specialty. Our clients have included individual practitioners, specialty and multi-specialty physician groups, small community hospitals, large tertiary referral hospitals, practice management organizations, teaching institutions and medical insurers.
Birth Injury Defense
Birth injury cases present special challenges. Tragic and unexpected outcomes, exposure for lifelong damages, and intricate medical issues regarding causation demand a defense team knowledgeable of the medicine and capable in the courtroom. The country's then-largest medical liability insurer selected Mark Stinnett as one of only nine attorneys for its national panel of defense counsel for such cases. We work to stay abreast of literature, research and experts in this field to thoroughly defend these cases.
Medical Products Defense
Our firm's attorneys provide representation for physicians, health care providers and suppliers involved in claims alleging dangers in drugs and medical devices. We most often serve as counsel for intermediaries between the manufacturer and the patient — a physician prescribing a drug, a surgeon implanting a device, a researcher evaluating a product for human use. Our experience includes defense of those prescribing, designing, testing, using and marketing medical products.
Medical Investigations
Physicians and health care providers involved in serious medical incidents understandably have immediate concerns about what should be done, when, and by whom. We provide legal counsel and, if required, field investigation and witness interviews for hospitals, physician practices, and health care providers when a catastrophic or unexpected bad outcome occurs. We also assist with causation analysis and required reporting to insurers and government agencies.
Medical Peer Review
The firm represents health care providers involved in peer review at each stage and from each aspect of the proceedings. We defend physicians and nurses whose conduct is questioned, advise hospitals and peer review organizations on compliance and procedures, and stand available to serve as hearing officers if requested. Our work includes preparation of responsive submissions, exhibit preparation, hearing representation, administrative appeals and judicial review.
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